About World Diabetes Day

14 November

Find out more about World Diabetes Day

Understanding diabetes
537 millionpeople with diabetes

Diabetes currently affects one in ten people worldwide. Understanding the condition is the first step towards managing and preventing it. In conjunction with the World Diabetes Day 2022 focus on access to diabetes education, the IDF School of Diabetes has developed a new online education platform to help people with diabetes and those who care for them to make informed decisions about their condition.

Understanding diabetes promotional visual

The Understanding Diabetes platform features a selection of free interactive courses on various aspects of diabetes care and management:

An Introduction to Diabetes explains how the condition develops in the body, describes the main types and explores the warning signs, risk factors and complications.

The basics of blood glucose control looks at the importance of keeping blood glucose levels in the target range as much as possible to help prevent or delay long-term complications of diabetes.

Insulin and how to use it safely explains what insulin is and why people living with type 1 diabetes and some people living with type 2 and gestational diabetes need to take it.

Type 2 diabetes and the heart explores the impact of diabetes on heart health, focusing on how high glucose levels can affect your blood vessels and lead to heart issues.

Health professional education

The IDF School of Diabetes offers a selection of free and premium online courses to help healthcare professionals keep up-to-date with various aspects of diabetes management and treatment.

Free courses currently available include:

All courses are accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME).

The IDF Congress provides a unique forum for knowledge exchange, bringing together a global network of health professionals, advocates and people living with diabetes. A virtual congress will be held on 4-7 December 2023, providing the latest updates on the management and treatment of diabetes complications, with a dedicated stream on diabetes in crises. Learn more and register.

Official partners World Diabetes Day 2024