Let's talk about well-being for a better diabetes life

Diabetes and well-being is the theme for World Diabetes Day 2024-26. With appropriate access to diabetes care and support for their well-being, everyone with diabetes has the chance to live well. Stay tuned for news about World Diabetes Day 2025.
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WDD 2024 in numbers
activities in 132 countries submitted on our activity platform.
responses to our online well-being survey.
letters sent to policymakers asking to accelerate progress to achieving the WHO diabetes coverage targets by 2030.

Diabetes and Well-being
Millions of people with diabetes face daily challenges managing their condition at home, work, and school. They must be resilient, organised, and responsible, impacting both their physical and mental well-being. A new global survey conducted by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) reveals that 77% of people living with diabetes have experienced anxiety, depression, or another mental health condition because of their diabetes. Diabetes care often focuses only on blood sugar, leaving many overwhelmed. This World Diabetes Day, 14 November, let’s put well-being at the heart of diabetes care and start the change for a better #DiabetesLife.
people living with diabetes have experienced anxiety, depression or another mental health condition because of their diabetes.
people living with diabetes experienced diabetes burnout.
of people living with diabetes would like to receive more support for their emotional and mental well-being from their healthcare provider.
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1047 activities in 132 countries and territories
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World Diabetes Day in images
Our partners
Partners of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) help to make World Diabetes Day a global success by providing valuable support for the development of campaign resources and activities. IDF is pleased to have the support of the following partners for World Diabetes Day 2024.