About World Diabetes Day

14 November

Find out more about World Diabetes Day

Key messages
537 millionpeople with diabetes

Know your risk, Know your response

The theme for World Diabetes Day 2021-23 is access to diabetes care.

In 2023, the campaign focuses on the importance of knowing your risk of type 2 diabetes to help delay or prevent the condition and highlighting the impact of diabetes-related complications and the importance of having access to the right information and care to ensure timely treatment and management.

1 in 10 adults worldwide have diabetes. Over 90% have type 2 diabetes. Close to half are not yet diagnosed.

In many cases, type 2 diabetes and its complications can be delayed or prevented by adopting and maintaining healthy habits. When not detected and treated early, diabetes can lead to serious and potentially life-threatening complications.

  • For people at risk of type 2 diabetes, knowing your risk and what to do is important to support prevention, early diagnosis and timely treatment.
  • For people living with diabetes, awareness and access to the correct information and best available medicines and tools to support self-care is vital to delay or prevent complications.
  • For healthcare professionals, access to sufficient training and resources is required to detect complications early and provide the best possible care.

Our slogan for the 2023 campaign is: Know your risk, Know your response

Learn your risk of type 2 diabetes through IDF’s online risk assessment tool.

Health professionals can update their professional diabetes education through the free and premium courses available in the IDF School of Diabetes.

View and download the campaign posters. More resources will be added soon.

Official partners World Diabetes Day 2024