Possibilities of diabetes prevention
654 events in 108 countries

Possibilities of diabetes prevention

Meeting/Exhibition/Fair Start Date: November 14, 2023
End Date: November 14, 2023
Location: 35, Villányi út, Budapest, 1118, Hungary

#worlddiabetesday at the MATE Institute of Food Science and Technology, Hungary.
The main question was: what can the hashtag#foodindustry and hashtag#foodscience do to fight against diabetes?
Surveys show that the role of a country's health care system in keeping the population healthy is far less important than one might first think. Yet, when we talk about health, hashtag#healthyageing, we tend to focus on improving the health care system.
Although, for example, in the case of hashtag#type2diabetes , the risk of developing the disease can be substantially reduced and its complications delayed or prevented by hashtag#healthylifestyle and hashtag#healthyeating.
The foods available to consumers play a key role in the everyday implementation of a hashtag#healthydiet. Health-conscious food choices can only be made if food products that can actually help them to stay healthy are available and accesible. Both food producers and retailers have an important role and responsibility in creating such a health-promoting food environment. The will to do something is there in everyone, but the question is "What exactly? How?" questions are not yet all clearly answered.
This inspired me to organise this event on World Diabetes Day, where diverse topics that can help food producers, retailers, experts and advisors to develop a health-promoting food environment, which is one of the key pillars in the fight against diabetes have been explored.
We had great presentations on food ingredients important in the fight against diabetes, scientific innovations based on real evidence, consumption habits of the population, regulatory frameworks, food reformulation opportunities, trends and solutions for innovation.
Thank our speakers Professor Gary Williamson (Monash University), Dr. Zsolt Gaál (Hungarian Diabetes Society), Dr. Eszter Sarkadi Nagy (NNGYK), Anna Evelin Juhász (Semmelweis University), Dr. Sándor Tömösközi (Budapest University of Technology and Economics), Tünde Bartyik (Nemzeti Élelmiszerlánc-biztonsági Hivatal), Katalin Badakné Kerti and Dr. László Abrankó (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences) for their contribution to the successful event.
In addition to high-level content, it is equally important to focus on the health risks of the stakeholders. Participants had the opportunity to take part in blood glucose testing, courtesy of the hashtag#redcross of Budapest.
We thank our co-organisers (including Deák Tibor Szakkollégium at MATE) and our partners (including PENNY International (REWE Group), Capriovus Kft, Campden BRI) for their help in making hashtag#worlddiabetesday2023 event possible.

Organizer: MATE - Institute of Food Science and Technology/ Dr. Laszlo Abranko

Event website: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/l%C3%A1szl%C3%B3-abrank%C3%B3-24a10725b_worlddiabetesday-foodindustry-foodscience-activity-7130896213658238976-lRu0?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
