EASD/AFES highlights: Know the Signs of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
654 events in 108 countries

EASD/AFES highlights: Know the Signs of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

Activity for healthcare professionals Start Date: November 28, 2023
End Date: November 28, 2023
Location: Philippines

P & G Health Philippines will be holding a a virtual webinar entitles: EASD and AFES Updates; " Know the Signs of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy."
The objectives of this activities are

1. To provide updates from the learnings from the recent EASD and AFES Convention.
2. To educate HCPs on the burden of Prediabetes and Prediabetic peripheral neuropathy as an early complication.
3. To cascade new evidence on Neurotropic B Vitamins on its potential mechanism of action in nerve regeneration in managing peripheral neuropathy.

Organizer: Procter and Gamble Healthcare Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore

Event Email: salaiwarakul.a@pg.com
Event website: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_89eiEmWTTzKariTgpk-m_w*/registration__;Iw!!NgSi4SaN6ydtRVQ-!yYKLjDLH0yzsfrNMP2e6mOuhPIm_avAa1Xt3e4oBReFu4kMs4bAdmYbp2Qu4akY2P51E3PhyOdZtnjk7DhH0aTxamw$
