2284 letters sent

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Dear xxx,

On behalf of the global diabetes community, I am writing to urge you to work towards prioritising the well-being of people living with diabetes. This can be done through the implementation of the Global Diabetes Compact and the achievement of the global diabetes coverage targets by 2030.

The latest global figures from the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) show more than half a billion people are now living with diabetes. In [country], an estimated xxx people live with the condition – xx% of whom are undiagnosed. In 2021, diabetes led to xxx deaths and xxx USD of health expenditure in our country.

Diabetes impacts both physical and mental well-being. Millions of people with diabetes face daily challenges managing their condition at home, work and school. Over 1 in 3 people with diabetes are estimated to experience distress related to their condition and over 60% of people surveyed by IDF indicate that the fear of developing diabetes-related complications affects their well-being. However, diabetes care often focuses only on managing blood sugar, leaving many overwhelmed and subject to burnout and depression. Urgent action is needed to ensure that personal well-being is prioritised in diabetes care.

The World Health Organization (WHO)’s Global Diabetes Compact has the potential to improve the well-being of people living with diabetes by driving national efforts to achieve universal health coverage, strengthening health systems through primary care and reducing modifiable risk factors. The complementary global diabetes coverage targets can also contribute to well-being by ensuring quality care for those who need it. The five global coverage targets are:

· 80% of people living with diabetes are diagnosed
· 80% of people with diagnosed diabetes have good control of glycaemia
· 80% of people with diagnosed diabetes have good control of blood pressure
· 60% of people with diabetes of 40 years or older receive statins
· 100% of people with type 1 diabetes have access to affordable insulin and blood glucose self-monitoring

Together with IDF, I call for your leadership to accelerate progress towards the implementation of the WHO Global Diabetes Compact, achieve the global diabetes coverage targets by 2030 and protect the mental and physical well-being of people living with diabetes.

[Personal Story]

On behalf of the diabetes community, we urge you to dedicate sufficient efforts and resources to improve the well-being of people living with diabetes in [country] and worldwide. The diabetes community counts on your leadership.

[Your Name]
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