“Fight Diabetes”
1047 events in 132 countries

"Fight Diabetes"

Activity in SchoolsScreening for diabetes complications Start Date: November 13, 2024
End Date: November 14, 2024
Location: Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece

In collaboration with Albus Bakeries that run our school canteens, we have designed a low calorie food bag for all our students to purchase at very low cost. The "Fight Diabetes" food bag will be available for purchase for 2 days at our school canteens. At the same time, inspired by the theme, we have created an awareness video showcasing the "Diabetes Life" that our VP experiences. This video will be projected in the classrooms, our youtube channel and the social media platforms on 14th November.

Organizer: Mandoulides Schools

Event website: https://mandoulides.edu.gr/14-noemvriou-pagkosmia-imera-diaviti/
