Diabetes Walks in Jordan
1047 events in 132 countries

Diabetes Walks in Jordan

Activity in Schools Start Date: November 11, 2024
End Date: November 24, 2024

This year, we are taking a new approach to celebrate World Diabetes Day by spreading awareness geographically rather than focusing on a single event in Amman.

Our beneficiaries from health centers, schools, and youth centers will be organizing walks in their neighborhoods to raise awareness about diabetes, decrease stigma, and dispel myths surrounding the disease.

We will also be organizing a special event at the Zaatari camp for Syrian refugees. Additionally, we will ensure media coverage in selected areas and provide essential items for the walks in all participating schools.

This initiative will be implemented in collaboration with both the Ministry of Health (MoH) and the Ministry of Education (MoE).

A special event will also be held at the MoH to further raise awareness and promote our efforts.

Organizer: Royal Health Awareness Society

Event Email: ltarazi@rhas.org.jo
Event website: https://rhas.org.jo/
