Dia Mundial de la Diabetes
1047 events in 132 countries

Dia Mundial de la Diabetes

Activity for healthcare professionalsMeeting/Exhibition/FairOnline activity Start Date: November 13, 2024
End Date: November 20, 2024
Location: Calle Marginal Sur, San Rafael, San José, Costa Rica

Our activities will be held from Nov 13, 2024 to Nov 20, 2024.

Firstly, a diabetes session will be performed on Wednesday 13, 2024 coordinated by Dr. Jose G. Jimenez-Montero. This event will focus on the importance of personalized glycemic control, adequate pharmacologic and nutritional interventions, diabetes education and life-style changes in T2DM.

Dr. Mayra Villegas-Barakat, register nutritionist from the Hospital CIMA will present the risks of hypoglycemia in elderly T2DM. Then, a visiting professor, Paula Chichilla-Ortega Nutritionists from London North West University Hospitals NHS Msc in Diabetes y Paediatric Diabetes Dietitian will share her experiences on how to develop diabetes education in T2DM to improve lifestyle aiming to prevent chronic diabetes complicacions.

A second medical activity will be held on Wednesday 20, 2024. The topic of this session will be Glycemic Control in T1DM: from human insulin and capillary glucose measurements to Insulin infusion pumps and Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems in Costa Rica.

In addition, during this week, we will post in social media notes related to the magnitude of the prevalence of diabetes world-wide and particularly in Costa Rica. Also, we will emphasized on the risks of sedentary lifestyle, and inappropriate dietary habits on the development of obesity and T2DM.

Finally, a diabetes education activity for persona living with diabetes will be held by the end of November.

Organizer: Dep of Endocrinology Hospital CIMA

Event Email: jjimenez@hospitalcima.com
