Chronic Kidney Disease: A Silent Pandemic - Let's Take Care of Ourselves!
Online activity Start Date: December 6, 2024End Date: December 6, 2024

Chronic Kidney Disease: A Silent Pandemic - Let's Take Care of Ourselves! - Dec. 6th at 4 PM BRT
Understand the connection between Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and the most prevalent NCDs, such as diabetes and hypertension, and, thus, the opportunity to prevent and treat it.
Identify the factors that have prevented early and timely detection and treatment of this condition, reducing the need for high-cost treatments such as hemodialysis and transplants.
Learn about recommendations, new Clinical Protocols and Therapeutic Guidelines (CPTGs), and effective programs to prevent, screen, and diagnose CKD.
Engage different levels of the public sector, as well as the private and third sectors, in collaborations that reduce costs and save the lives of people with CKD or at risk of developing it.
4:00 PM - 4:15 PM – Opening and Contextualization (Patrícia de Luca, FórumCCNTs) • Juzinha Barbiebética, Influencer
4:20 PM - 4:25 PM – Has there been a change in recent years regarding the prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and incidence in people with other NCDs? (Frida Plavnik, SBH)
4:30 PM - 4:35 PM – Why the international concern about CKD, with the launch of a new policy brief by the Global Patient Alliance for Kidney Health a few weeks ago? What should Brazil prioritize? (Roberto Pecoits-Filho, ISN)
4:40 PM - 4:45 PM – How does teleconsultation focused on primary care improve the journey of people with CKD and improve outcomes? (TBA)
4:50 PM - 4:55 PM – How does the implementation of the updated CPTG for CKD at different levels of care improve the prevention and outcomes of CKD? How to accelerate its implementation? (Patrícia Abreu, SBN)
5:00 PM - 5:05 PM – What is the municipality's strategy for implementing the new CPTG for chronic kidney disease and improving outcomes? (Vinícius Lima, SMS-Niterói)
5:10 PM - 5:15 PM – How has the Ministry of Health (or States or Municipalities) organized to increase diagnoses and improve CKD care? (Carmen Moura, SAES-MS)
5:20 PM - 6:00 PM – Debate: How to implement the latest recommendations and CPTGs in a continental country like Brazil and, thus, improve the outcomes of chronic kidney disease in the country? (Moderator: Patrícia de Luca, FórumCCNTs)

Organizer: Intersectoral Forum of NCCs/NCDs in Brazil (ForumCCNTs)
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