“Be Diabetes Smart”
1047 events in 132 countries

“Be Diabetes Smart”

Online activity Start Date: November 30, 2024
End Date: November 30, 2024
Location: India

This is an online national level webinar organized by Amb. Dr. Shilpi Chauhan Founder And President of Saksham Society Jaipur, Rajasthan a World Record holder NGO under National Wellness Awareness Program (NWAP) and I Dietitian Mahendri. N.V residing in Tumakuru Karnataka State, South India, is the National Head (Hon) for this program will be conducting this event.

We have a team of healthcare professionals–a physician and a dietitian covering all aspects of diabetes- Types , Causes, Stages, Symptoms, Diagnosis , Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Prevention & Treatment” while I will be sharing about My Experience with the Reversal of Prediabetes and cover the Complications and Remission Of T2D. The event is free to participate but registration is mandatory. The registration link is shared along with the information poster.

Organizer: Saksham Society Jaipur, Rajasthan

Event Email: info@saksham.club
Event website: https://www.ngosaksham.org/
