Diabetul, un inamic periculos
654 events in 108 countries

Diabetul, un inamic periculos

Activity in SchoolsPhysical ActivityScreening for type 2 diabetes Start Date: November 14, 2023
End Date: November 14, 2023
Location: Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

Our nursing students will be going to public places such as supermarkets, parks and some malls, to check blood sugar levels of the population. The initiative aims to raise awareness about diabetes and promote early detection of the disease. Using finger-prick tests, students will be able to check blood sugar levels of those interested at these locations and provide information and resources to anyone who may be at risk for diabetes. This event encourages individuals to take a proactive approach to their health and promotes the importance of regular blood sugar level checks in preventing and managing diabetes.

Organizer: Liceul Teoretic Atlas

Event website: https://scoalaatlas.ro/
